I like November (2005-11-04 - 2:11 p.m.)

I went to check my email for the first time in a week (and a bit, I think) and had 34 new messages.


So if you have emailed me and I have not responded, it�s because I got through about 10 of the 34 before I had to come back to work (I have taken to checking my email for free at the library at noon again). And yes, Chris, that means you as well. I think I may have to shell out the cash and go to an internet caf� soon because this is ridiculous. I have now concluded that despite discussing how we both wanted it SIX MONTHS AGO, Brandon and I will not be sorting out internet at the flat before I go.

So. Life is busy and good at the moment. I sent in the notice for the flat today and will give notice at the gym next time I�m in. Oddly, work requires less notice than either of those (two weeks). It�s starting to hit home a bit that I won�t be here in the new year.

At the moment, I feel like I�m on a merry-go-round (or round-about, if you prefer) that is going faster and faster while I cling on for dear life. Everything�s starting to blur a bit and I can�t seem to catch up with myself. It�s exhilerating, though. The only trouble is, I know it will stop suddenly come December 11 and I will go flying off and hit the wall. Splat. And I will wash up back in Canada looking and feeling very much like I did indeed just fall off a round-about.

So yes, it�s been a busy but fun week, with me attempting to spend every possible non-working or �sleeping second trying to see all the people I will miss. This weekend is looking pretty darn exciting as well. Jason�s band is playing a gig tonight so I will go check them out. They have been described as �mediocre� by someone in the know (Jason) but I am curious and will probably have fun surrounded by music geeks. And then I will rush off to a party at Margaret and Ailbhe�s flat. Margaret used to work here - she�s the one who helped me get the job - so there may be some workmates there as well, which could be� interesting.

Tomorrow is a wedding (and errands, I am so far behind) and Sunday I am off to Pitlochry. And then next weekend down to Norwich. Sounds like my best option is an insanely early flight on Friday morning� 6 am, blargh. But it�s that or get in at 11 pm Thursday night, which is maybe not the best idea either. This way I will have half of Friday, all of Saturday and half of Sunday which isn�t bad. I swear Norwich is the most out-of-the-way place in England, though. Everything is routed through Cambridge. What do the railways have against Norwich anyway??!

Oh yes, and the best thing of all is � it�s November! Got my first birthday package yesterday and had great fun starting to tear into the packages before the remaining ones were very firmly taken away and hidden by Brandon. Spoil-sport. He says he�ll bring them back on my birthday, which is AGES away!

backwards ~ onwards

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Missed anything?
moved! - 2008-05-12
Sunday = time to ramble on - 2008-05-11
apparently I'm doing monthly updates these days. Sorry. - 2008-05-04
watershed - 2008-04-06
end of trip - 2008-03-31

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