parties without pants (2004-01-19 - 11:17 p.m.)

Feeling stressed out today. Didn't sleep too well last night, as I started thinking about all the things I have to do in the next week. (The two are, in fact, pretty much mutually exclusive). When I finally did drop off, had a very vivid dream about Tempo being all limp and dead. Creepy. Luckily, when I woke up she was very much alive and miaowing.

Went for dinner at Val's last night (amazing as always) and played my last or possibly second-to-last soccer game. Didn't go too well - I was feeling a bit sick anyway, and was off my game. Also got knocked down a lot, which for some reason (probably hormones) was very upsetting. But the ref was cool with a funky Jamaican accent and picked me back up again. Anyway, the end result was 1-1, which for us is great. I was pleased.

Hmmm, Steve went to bed and is still letting me type in the corner of his room. I'm trying not to be offended that he wondered if I could figure out how to shut his computer down by myself. Then he told me a little story about how the monitor has to be off or it will come back on when Misha jumps on it in the middle of the night. Anyway.

Kathryn's birthday was on the weekend. Quite the party, let me tell you (although I was later than I meant to be because I got distracted en route). The party ended with no one wearing pants and some guy getting his butt shaved on the bed. Luckily, my new camera now works and I got pictures...

Speaking of parties, coming up on Friday is what has officially been christened (by Alex, of course) the "Rumble in the Ghetto". Yep, should be quite a time. I just hope the house is standing at the end.

backwards ~ onwards

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Missed anything?
moved! - 2008-05-12
Sunday = time to ramble on - 2008-05-11
apparently I'm doing monthly updates these days. Sorry. - 2008-05-04
watershed - 2008-04-06
end of trip - 2008-03-31

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