things I will miss about the UK (2004-02-12 - 2:40 p.m.)

Things I will miss about the UK:

- Fruit and nut bars with almonds (not crappy peanuts) and actual good chocolate

- chocolate-covered digestive biscuits. I'm becoming addicted.

- super-mild weather. Above freezing in February - this is the way weather should be.

- Buildings that look like they were designed to be nice to look at, not to use up piles of excess concrete, steel and glass.

- snowdrops! I can't quite get my head around the concept of flowers in February

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moved! - 2008-05-12
Sunday = time to ramble on - 2008-05-11
apparently I'm doing monthly updates these days. Sorry. - 2008-05-04
watershed - 2008-04-06
end of trip - 2008-03-31

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